miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2012


Hi, everyone!

This is our first post and we want to dedicate it to explaining who we are and what are our proposals for this blog. 

We are a group of students (Carla, Foix, Marta and Silvia) from the primary education degree. Our task is simple: we have to create and look for resources that may be useful for learning English. So this blog is aimed at primary students, teachers and parents. Although the material we will find will be for students, it is always necessary that an adult supervise what pupils do all the time. This is important because a particular activity may be more or less useful depending on the child in question. We have decided to focus on more than one aspect, therefore, there are several topics arranged according to category such as animals, numbers, body parts, tales...In these categories you will find vocabulary exercises, songs... We also plan to include activities related to Anglo-Saxon culture.
All the explanations of the various points that appear in our blog have been written by us. We would like to point out that, in making this blog, we felt that most importance should be attached to vocabulary, since we believe that primary school children need a blog where they can find all the vocabulary they need on a single webpage. Of course, all these activities will be complemented with images and videos so the blog will be much more visual and entertaining. 

Hope you all like it and above all... learn a lot!

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